Contents:Cutting machine, Inkjet printer
Place:ACS Kawaguchi Factory: 3-365 Maekawa-cho, Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama 333-0841
TEL: 81-48-486-9896/FAX: 81-48-486-9897
Date:Aug.7&8,2014 10:00~18:00
Please call us for more information
カテゴリー: 最新情報
Exhibition, Store Sales Promotion EXPO
Store Sales Promotion EXPO, the 2nd
July 9 to 11,2014 Printing equipment parts zone C14-31 in the west hole at Tokyo Big Sight
Please contact us about the invitation
The newspaper article was updated
Diagonal vibration cutting machine was published on the newspapar ( Paperboard and the corrugated board )
Exhibition, South China international Sino Corrugated South
We will exhibit the cutting machine at Sino Corrugated South 2014
Date: Apr.10 to 12, 2014
The first in the world! Angle free cutting!
The movie of the recipro V-shaped cutting of 30mm honeycomb corrugated board was updated. The vibration cutter is realized the V-shaped cutting and the slanting cutting to thick materials. Furthermore, an angle can be freely changed from 0°to 60°during processing. Please watch the movie from following URL.
Z series released
Z series was added to the product.
URL: Procuct introduction Z series
Manufacture example
The dinosaur skeleton model Digital Planning Work Core made is contributing to the kindergarten , it was published in the newspaper.
Manufacture example
The display case(corrugated cardboard used) Digital Planning Work Core made was used for Lladró Museum at Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo from Jan. to May.
Manufacture example
Fujidan will hold the exhibition and sale of furniture which has used triple and double reinforcd corrugated cardboard at Tokyu Hands Shinjuku store in Jan.16 to Feb.14.
Cutting machine for foam material, AS1212BR release
Because it can be freely set the reciprocating(vibration) speed, lowering speed of the cut-axis, and cutting speed, it can cut a variety of foam material and flexible urethane.